
Here are four good friends. They are Alice, Cindy, Bob and Dale. Alice and Bob found two things but

英语试题 02-13
Here are four good friends. They are Alice, Cindy, Bob and Dale. Alice and Bob found two things but Cindy and Dale lost two things.
Alice: I found a notebook in the school library. It's new and black. Is it yours? My phone number is 487-4549. Please call me.
Cindy: Help me please. I lost my schoolbag in the school library. I must find it. It's yellow with a nice picture on it. Email me at Cindy78@163.com. Thanks.
Bob:A school ID card is in Classroom 7H. A picture of a girl is on it. Is it yours? If(如果)yes, please ask Ms Wang for it. Her telephone number is 437-8569.
Dale: This is a picture of my red sports watch(运动表). But I lost the watch at school. Can you help me find it? It is important(重要) for me. My email address(地址) is Dalehy@sohu.com.
Thanks a lot.
51. Who must find his/her sports watch?
A. Alice B. Bob C. Cindy D. Dale
52. Bob finds the school ID card ________.
A. in the school library B. in a classroom
C. at Ms Wang's home D. in Bob's room
53. If the notebook is yours, you can __________.
A. call Alice at 487-4549 B. call Ms Wang at 437-8569
C. e-mail Cindy at Cindy78@163.com D. e-mail Dale at Dalehy@sohu.com
54. The yellow schoolbag is __________.
A. Alice's B. Bob's C. Cindy's D. Dale's
55. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. A picture of a boy is on the ID card B. A nice picture is on the schoolbag.
C. The notebook is red D. The sports watch is black
【答案】51. D    52. B    53. A    54. C    55. B
细节理解题。根据戴尔的话“This is a picture of my red sports watch(运动表). But I lost the watch at school. Can you help me find it? It is important(重要) for me.”可知戴尔丢了表,而且很重要,所以他必须找到他的表,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“A school ID card is in Classroom 7H.”可知鲍勃在教室里发现的学生证,故选B。
细节理解题。根据爱丽丝留下的联系方式“My phone number is 487-4549. Please call me.”可知如果丢了笔记本可以拨打487-4549电话联系爱丽丝,故选A。
细节理解题。根据“I lost my schoolbag in the school library. I must find it. It's yellow with a nice picture on it.”可知辛迪丢了黄色的书包,所以黄色的书包是辛迪的,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“A picture of a girl is on it”可知是女生的照片在学生证上,故A项错误;根据“It's yellow with a nice picture on it.”可知书包上有漂亮的图片,故B正确;根据“It's new and black”可知笔记本是黑色的,故C错误;根据“This is a picture of my red sports watch”可知运动表是红色的,故D错误,结合问题,故选B。
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