
—I’m afraid I can’t find the key to the car. —________ I’ll wait for you. We have enough time. A. Hu

英语试题 03-02
—I’m afraid I can’t find the key to the car.
—________ I’ll wait for you. We have enough time.
A. Hurry up. B. All right.
C. It is up to you. D. Hold your horses.
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——我担心找不到汽车锁匙了。——沉住气。我会等你的。我们时间足够。A. Hurry up.快点。B. All right.好的。C. It is up to you.这取决于你。D. Hold your horses.沉住气,别冒火。在情景对话中,前一句是担心,所以回答的应该是有关安慰的话,选项D切题。故选D。
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