
Science News Tool to crow about New Caledonian crows, birds with surprising and impressive

英语试题 05-02

8. D推理判断题。由第一段第二行Oxford researchers report that New Caledonian crows use sticks to poke (戳) at new and potentially threatening objects, providing the first evidence that birds use tools for more than just finding food.( 牛津大学研究人员报告称,新喀里多尼亚乌鸦用棍子戳新的、具有潜在威胁的物体,这提供了第一个证据,表明鸟类使用工具不仅仅是为了寻找食物。)由此判断出,乌鸦想借助工具判断新物体、有潜在威胁的物体的情况,目的是为了避免危险,故选D。
9. A 推理判断题。根据第二段中Contrary to earlier reports, ape species, including chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, show humanlike hand preferences when handling objects. Chimpanzees and gorillas favored the right hand and orangutans the left hand(与早先的报道相反,包括黑猩猩、大猩猩和猩猩在内的猿类物种在处理物体时表现出与人类相似的手偏好。黑猩猩和大猩猩偏爱右手,猩猩偏爱左手)故划线词“Apes show handedness”暗示着猿类物种猿类喜欢用一只手而不是另一只。故选A。
10.C  推理判断题。由最后一段第二行Plant species do move, as seeds that are spread tend to grow better in one place than in another. As temperatures rise, some species could, or already do, move uphill to find the kind of cool spots they’re used to. But the best elevation (高度) for a plant to maintain its water balance can shift with climate change. (植物物种是会移动的,因为散播的种子在一个地方比在另个地方长得更好。随着气温的上升,一些物种可能,或者已经在向山上迁移,以寻找它们习惯的冷的地方。)。由此可知,导致植物物种向上移动的原因是气温升高。由此判断出全球变暖导致植物向山上移动。故选C。
11.A  主旨大意题。分析文章可知,文章主要讲述了三种生物学的情况:乌鸦使用工具、猿使用手、和植物向山上移动,并对原因进行了简要分析与说明。故本文主要介绍的是一些科学发现。故选A。
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