
Going to college was not optional. In my family, it was just another step toward the American

英语试题 05-03
Going to college was not optional. In my family, it was just another step toward the American dream. As soon as I graduated, I enrolled (入学)in the English Department of Colorado State University. I went on to earn two scholarships, and membership in the National Honor Society. I truly believed the hard work was worth it.
It wasn't until a few months ago that I realized how clueless I was. I had been combing through the classifieds when my eyes fell upon my dream job: “National College Magazine looking for writers ”.
Thrilled, I spent the weekend composing a resume . Needless to say, I was stunned when the interviewer barely took one glance before throwing it aside.
"No experience," he said flatly.
I felt like screaming, "What do you mean, no experience? Look at these grades."
I was left to absorb the shock of rejection, thinking that nobody ever told me that a 4. 0 student would be turned down for a job.
Didn't all of my hard work count for anything?
I see plenty of demands for two years of experience at a print publication, but none requiring extensive knowledge of how to write academic papers. Yet 95% of my energy in school went toward the latter, leaving me little time to devote to anything else. If career preparation is supposed to be the point of college, then why isn't it the focus?
Has a college degree just become another societal status symbol like fancy cars or designer clothes?
Given my experience, I feel that a college degree would be a lot more valuable if students were required to get some outside experience to supplement their in — class knowledge. Instead of requiring four science classes, why not three science classes and an internship? In my college career, I took one class that taught me how to write and submit essays for publication. This ever — so — brief taste of the real world was like holding an ice cream sundae in front of a child and only giving her a small bite.
4. Why did the author study so hard at college?
A. To maintain a family tradition. B. To land an ideal job.
C. To fulfill parents' expectations. D. To win scholarships for the tution
5. What accounted for the author's failure in job hunting?
A. His dull resume. B. His misjudgment in high scores.
C. His lack of experience. D. His poor performance in the interview.
6. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph imply?
A. Academic writing is a small part of college life.
B. College education always covers unimportant things.
C. Competition in college is not as fierce as that in the real world.
D. The author feels held back by his lack of real — world experience.
7. What does the author want to tell us by writing this article?
A. Get a college degree and you will go far.
B. College students should make the best of their time.
C. Career preparation is a necessity for college education.
D. Landing a successful career is better than a college degree.

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