
Coloring books are no longer just for children! In fact adult coloring books are

英语试题 05-04
Coloring books are no longer just for children! In fact adult coloring books are topping bestseller lists. Why have adults decided to start coloring again? 36.____________
It is to relieve stress and anxiety.
37.____________They take on full-time jobs that often demand more than 40 hours a week, equally as part-time jobs, family responsibilities, and trying some “fun”when they can. For many, there just aren’t enough hours in the day, which explains why practising mindfulness becomes so popular. It’s important to set aside some time to calm the thoughts. Coloring can be an escape from everyday stress.
A trend among adults is to seek out childhood experiences. That's why summer camps adults are cropping up across the country. Perhaps nothing is more equal to childhood than a coloring book. A brand new coloring book with bright markers, crayons, and colored pencils provide endless possibilities. Adult coloring books are much more detailed than coloring books for children, but the emotions are similar and allow adults to feel as if they are “a kid again”.
It is to put down the technology.
Adults arc constantly staring at screens: Desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, TVS, etc. 39.____________Even some readers have e-readers and tablets to consume books, magazines, and newspapers. An adult coloring book provides a great outlet to escape from all of the screens. Of course, to truly realize the benefit of stepping away from the devices for a period of time, you can’t constantly be checking them while you color! Turn them off and leave them in another room. 40.____________
  1. Adults lead busy, tiring lives.
  2. Coloring books are expensive.
  3. It is to go back to their childhood.
  4. Here are 3 reasons to let you deeply understand it.
  5. It is to practise the patience and improve their relation with children.
  6. If you really can't let go, there are coloring apps that adults can enjoy.
  7. Whether for business or personal use, it has become very difficult to "put down”

答案36-40 DACGF
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