
任务型阅读On an average day most of us check our smartphones 47 times, and this habit

英语试题 05-27
On an average day most of us check our smartphones 47 times, and this habit clouds our judgment on what information to select and store, which might explain why it's time we should do things about the information we take in to form memories.
As simple as it sounds, the repetition of tasks — reading, or saying words over and over —continues to be the best method for transforming short-term memories into long-term ones. To do that, we have to retrain our minds to focus on one task at a time. Sadly, most turn a blind eye to this formula because we believe we're productive. New connections are made in your brain when you learn, so to remember what you learn, do what you probably did in your youth: Repeat words, thoughts and ideas over and over until you get them right.
Also, spaced repetition might be the best way. Quickly pushing facts into our brains leads us to forget them in the long term. When you review knowledge and practice it often, it sticks, research has shown. So if you can include what you're trying to remember into daily life, ideally over time, your chances of keeping it significantly improve. But once you stop reviewing that knowledge, the retention(保留)drops greatly. To get past it, space out your repetition over a few days and test the effect yourself. But be careful: find a healthy interval that works. This is a good way to effectively start tackling a new language.
Sometimes, memory and focus usually go hand-in-hand. Dr. Cowan suggests rearranging our office setup as one way to improve focus. "The rebirth of the open workplace cannot be helping stay on task,” Dr. Cowan said, referring to work spaces without desks, physical barriers and privacy, but with a lot of playthings.
Multiple studies have found that procrastination(拖延)leads to stress and completely kills focus. Stop engaging in useless tasks like surfing the web and just handle whatever it is you need to work on. Then watch your focus increase quickly and your memory improve.
“Memory is very cue (提示)dependent.” Mr. Schacter, a psychologist said, referring to something he calls absent-minded memory failure. “Most say it could never happen to me, but it's a very long list of responsible people that it has happened to. When you don't have that cue, you can forget almost anything.”
A simple way around that is to set reminders. Even better, combine a few of these techniques: Write your reminder on a post-it and put it on your desk so you're forced to repeatedly look at it over a long period, including the practice of spaced repetition.
Simple Ways to Be Better at Remembering
Current situation
The use of smartphones makes it difficult to process the information, so we should do something to help 71._______it.
Ways of 72._______our memories
Repeat the tasks until you 73._________the information you got in mind.
It's sad that the majority 74._______the repetition because we assume we're productive.
Put what you want to remember into daily life and you will remember them 75.________
Go over and practice what you've learned at 76_______.
Be sure not to 77._______doing things necessary to handle.
Give special 78 ________ to what you need to focus on rather than deal with other things.
Absent-minded failure may affect almost anything if you're not 79.________of it.
Build on the memory with the 80.__________of many techniques.
Be aware of the situation you're in and take targeted measure to form memories, or you're likely to pay the price.

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