
Mr West wanted to buy his wife a Christmas present,but he was always very 41 ,so he was never able

英语试题 07-19
Mr West wanted to buy his wife a Christmas present,but he was always very  41  ,so he was never able to find time to go to the shops.At last,when it was the week  42  Christmas,and the shops were very crowded,he decided that he could not  43   any longer.He worked in an office,and  44   had lunch in a restaurant,but one day he bought some sandwiches,ate them   45   and went out to a big shop near his   46   during his lunch hour.
The shop was full of women,who were also buying   47   during their lunch hour.  Mr West stood __48  at the edge of a crowd of    49   who were pushing forward to try to get to the people who were __50  necklaces and earrings.He tried to move forwards slowly,taking his turn with the others,but more and more women were   51   into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly   52   
him.After half an hour,he was just as   53   from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had
been when he came in ,and his lunch hour was coming to   54  ,so he decided to change his   55   of doing things:he put his head down,gave a sudden loud shout and started to   56   his way towards the   57   of the crowd as hard as he could.The women around him became very   58   when they saw what he was doing, and began to scold(责备)him. “Why can’t you behave like a   59   ?”they shouted.
    “Ladies,”he answered them, “I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half hour,and it has got me   60   ,so now I am starting to behave like a lady!”

41.A.busy          B .lazy          C. unwilling         D.forgetful[来
42.A.behind        B.around         C.before            D.after
43.A.work         B.stay            C.think            D.wait
44.A.never         B.seldom         C.sometimes        D.usually
45.A.slowly        B.quickly         C.quietly           D.happily
46.A.car           B.house          C.office            D.restaurant
47.A.clothes        B.presents        C.food             D.sandwiches
48.A.politely        B.quietly         C.pleasantly        D.freely
49.A.men          B.women         C.children          D.strangers
50.A.examining      B.choosing       C.selling           D.buying
51.A.going          B.coming        C.entering          D.running
52.A.past           B.behind         C.over             D.against
53.A.near          B.far             C.next             D.opposite
54.A .an end        B .a stop          C .the top          D .the limit
55.A .idea          B .way           C .measure          D .plan
56.A. step          B .go             C .push            D .pull
57.A .center         B .edge          C .back             D .front
58.A .surprised       B .angry         C .afraid            D .nervous
59.A.woman         B .lady          C .man               D .gentleman
60.A.nowhere        B. anywhere      C .somewhere         D .everywhere

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