
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Having Zao Cha, a traditional breakfast tea, is a typical morni

英语试题 08-04
Having Zao Cha, a traditional breakfast tea, is a typical morning activity of Guangdong residents. Rich or poor, young or old, ____41____ (local) will go to a morning tea house either to drink tea ___42___ to have din sum (点心) for breakfast. For them, Zao Cha is not only a ___43___ (deep) rooted daily habit but also an important way ___44___ social communication.
Guangdong morning tea can be traced back to over 150 years ago during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, there was a small restaurant in Guangzhou called “Yi Li Pavilion,” ___45___ served tea and dim sum. Later, more and more tea houses appeared, and the scale (规模) became ___46___ (large). Since then, the Cantonese ____47____ (form) the habit of drinking morning tea in a tea house.
Today, morning tea in Guangdong has taken on a supporting role, but dim sum have become more delicate and diverse. Classical dim sum usually include buns, dumplings and rice rolls in ____48____ (variety ) ingredients such as beef, chicken, pork, shrimp or vegetable. They are usually small and ___49___ (serve) in 3 or 4 pieces in one portion.
The traditional culture of having morning tea has now become ____50____ trend in other provinces, mainly in southern China.
【答案】41. locals    
42. or    43. deeply    
44. of    45. which    
46. larger    47. have formed    
48. various    
49. served    50. a
考查名词的数。句意:无论穷人、有钱人、年轻人或老人,当地人都会去早茶屋喝茶或吃早餐。句中缺少主语,表示“当地人”应用名词local,且结合上文Rich or poor, young or old可知此处应用复数形式。故填locals。
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