
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Internet addiction is a common problem that can be just as

英语试题 03-10
Internet addiction is a common problem that can be just as damaging as any other form of addiction.____16____There are several ways to help reduce your internet trouble.
___17___ Exercising, reading a book, writing, studying, knitting, and doing crossword puzzles are all better alternatives to mindlessly browsing the internet. If you want to cut back on how often you are using the internet but aren’t sure what to do with the extra time, identify a few activities that you enjoy and pick one to do instead when you’re feeling the urge to go online.
You can also use relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety,for example, yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and deep breathing.___18___Therefore, instead of reaching for your smart phone or laptop when you are feeling stressed, try using one of these techniques to calm yourself.
Besides, you can reach out to friends and family to build more interpersonal connections.____19____If you’re eager for social interaction, call up a friend and make plans to do something fun, or arrange a family dinner or game night.
Finally, watch for signs of internet addiction and seek help if you notice them. If you are concerned about becoming addicted to the internet, staying aware of the signs of internet addiction may prevent the situation from getting worse.___20___Besides, immediate action is always the top priority.
A. Sometimes you are just lonely.
B. You can go for a walk in nature.
C. Too worried about it?
D. Anyway, every little adds up.
E. You may fall back into the habit again.
F. They are all great ways to relax.
G. You can do some healthy activities instead.
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