
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Shamarr Allen was sleepy at home one evening last July when

英语试题 04-10
Shamarr Allen was sleepy at home one evening last July when he was shocked awake by a TV news item. There had been a ___21___ among a group of children in the slum of New Orleans.
___22___ from the city's slum, Allen is one of the most celebrated jazz trumpeters  in the city. After seeing the____23____ news that morning, it didn't take long for Allen to____24____ a possible approach. He had a few spare ____25____lying around Maybe he could offer them to kids in exchange for their guns.
Allen named the___26___My Trumpet Is My Weapon—after all, it was something of a ___27___ to release personal emotions, that ___28___me and redirected my path was a trumpet and the music.'' Allen says He met with the New Orleans mayor to figure out how to make children feel ___29___ handing over their guns to the police.
Allen has collected seven guns so far, a small but symbolically important ___30___. But he doesn't stop with the___31___of gun tor instrument. After the exchanges, Allen connects the children with local ___32___who give them tree virtual trumpet lessons.
More importantly, he has brought hope for his city and young people ___33___ a better life. "I just say, 'Look. I come from where you come from, and I can show you the ___34___ that got me out,'' says Allen. "And ___35___ may not be the way for you, but it will at least open your mind to see what's out there.”
21. A. cheering B. gathering C. shooting D. hunting
22. A. Surprisingly B. Originally C. Accidentally D. Unfortunately
23. A. humorous B. imaginary C. comic D. sad
24. A. hit on B. insist on C. count on D. focus on
25. A. coins B. carpets C. toys D. trumpets
26. A. experience B. program C. news D. gun
27. A. dream B. stage C. channel D. framework
28. A. shamed B. praised C. saved D. ruined
29. A. safe B. excited C. awkward D. depressed
30. A. start B. conclusion C. ceremony D. memorial
31. A. sales B. repairs C. destructions D. exchanges
32. A. composers B. musicians C. officials D. instructors
33. A. scared of B. confused about C. looking for D. bringing out
34. A. way B. advice C. warning D. commitment
35. A. knowledge B. music C. wisdom D. hope
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