
阅读每个小题,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 61. Kip Keino climbed out of the hospital bed, ran to the stadi

英语试题 04-15
61. Kip Keino climbed out of the hospital bed, ran to the stadium, took part in the race and won the gold medal, which was definitely a great ___________(inspire) to all the athletes.
62. D&G’s posted a video which was considered to be deliberate humiliation to our culture, _______(spark) patriotism among Chinese people.
63. When the police raided the illegal casino, no one was there. Someone must _____________(leak)the information.
64. This sport is more like a kind of performance, because it’s not ______________(compete) and it lacks reasonable criteria to decide who the winner is.
65. It’s ________________ (adventure) than you think to iron a shirt while hanging upside down from a cliff. Anyway, it brings enough excitement.
66. The Clarks seem ____________________ (leave) for their holiday. No one answers the door.
67. The staff have been working day in and day out. However, unless _____________(give) another week, they can’t accomplish the task.
68. Those boys ___________ risk will have to meet up with a particular police officer who acts as a strong role model.
69. Maria is waiting at a coffee table by the window for a gentleman with ____________ she has kept in contact for half a year.
70. Nelson Mandela got involved in different campaigns in their struggle ____________ racial discrimination.
【答案】61. inspiration    
62. sparking    
63. have leaked    
64. competitive    
65. more adventurous    
66. to have left    
67. given    68. at    
69. whom    70. against
考查名词。句意:基普·凯诺从病床上爬出来,跑到体育场,参加了比赛,赢得了金牌,这对所有运动员来说无疑是一个巨大的鼓舞。great为形容词修饰名词inspiration 。故填inspiration  。
考查现在分词。句意:D & G发布了一段视频,该视频被认为是对我们文化的蓄意侮辱,激起了中国人民的爱国主义。分析句子可知,a video与spark在逻辑上是主动关系,所以用现在分词。故填sparking 。
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