
假如你是某中学《英语报》的学生记者李华,请你按照如下六幅图的先后顺序,以"An HonestFinder"为题

英语作文范文 03-28

假如你是某中学英语报》的学生记者李华,请你按照如下六幅图的先后顺序,以"An HonestFinder"为题,将上周周末你校高三学生王芳拾金不昧的感人事迹写成一篇英文报道,刊登在该报上. 其内容要求如下:

  1. 报道故事的全部经过(如图所示)
  2. 对其事迹加以赞扬评论,并号召向她学习

注意:1. 字数 100 字左右

  1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
  2. 开头语为你写好. 参考单词:telephone booth 电话亭

An Honest Finder
Recently a moving deed that was done by Wang Fang,a student in Senior Grade 3,has spread all over our school. .
An Honest Finder
Recently a moving deed that was done by Wang Fang,a student in Senior Grade 3,has spread all over our school.  Last weekend,Wang Fang was walking towards the bus stop to go home when she found a purse lying on the ground.  She bent down and picked it up. As she opened it,she discovered there was much money,and a name card with the owner's telephone number. So she went to a telephone booth nearby and called the owner. Then she waited on the chair by the bus stop patiently until a lady hurried to her. When Wang Fang gave the wallet to the lady,she was so grateful that she took out 100 yuan in reward.  However,she refused it and waved goodbye to her.  
What a kind girl! I think we all should learn from her.

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