
书面表达 假如你是王涛,将参加今年暑期的澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士语言学校的游学活动

英语作文范文 03-29
假如你是王涛,将参加今年暑期的澳大利亚悉尼新南威尔士语言学校的游学活动(study tour), 该项目的负责人Mike给你发来了封电子邮件征询你对此次游学活动的想法和建议。请阅读以下信息,并回复一封电子邮件。
Dear Wang Tao,
We’re glad to know you’re coming to our school for your study tour this summer holiday. Here are two host families for you to choose to live in: The Green family◆an old couple, no children, two dogs◆a flat, in the centre of Sydney   ◆Wi-fi   ◆A$350
The Black family◆a middle-aged couple, a junior school boy, a primary school girl◆a house, a little far from Sydney ◆a garden ◆A$230
1.    Which host family would you like to choose? Why? (2-3 points)
2.    We can offer you a buddy during your stay at our school. What do you expect him/her to do to help you? (1-2 points)
3.    What would you like to do at weekends? Why? (1-2 points) Hope to hear from you soon!
1. 文章所写内容必须包括邮件中的问题所涉及的所有信息。
2. 文章要求语意通顺,条理清楚,书写规范,不能出现真实的姓名、校名等信息。
3. 文章词数在90词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Sir,
I’m glad to receive your email and I have read it carefully. I have decided to live in ___
I’m really looking forward to this study tour!
Many thanks,
Wang Tao
Dear Sir,
I’m glad to receive your email and I have read it carefully. I have decided to live in the Green family. The old couple have no children but two dogs, so they will have more time to communicate with me in English and I can play with their pets as well. Their flat is in the centre of Sydney, so it’s easy for me to go around. I can also use the Wi-fi to keep in touch with my parents. My family can afford the cost of A$350.
I’m lucky to have a buddy during my stay at your school. I expect him/her to help me with my problems in my study. I can chat with him/her in English to improve my speaking skills.
I love history, so I want to visit some places of interest at the weekend. I’m also curious about the local food and I want to have a taste.
I’m really looking forward to this study tour!
Many thanks,
Wang Tao
【详解】1.题干解读:此篇作文一封电子邮件 。根据提示,请阅读以下信息,并回复一封电子邮件。
短语:decided to live in;communicate with;play with their pets as well;go around;keep in touch with;some places of interest;looking forward to。
句型:1.I’m glad to receive your email and I have read it carefully. 2.I have decided to live in the Green family. 3.The old couple have no children but two dogs,so they will have more time to communicate with me in English and I can play with their pets as well.4. I’m also curious about the local food and I want to have a taste.
【点睛】写作六步骤:1.审题:文体,时态,人称。此篇作文是电子邮件。主要用第三人称进行叙述,时态采用一般现在时为主。2.抓住要点:要点是否齐全,适当补充。根据写作提示,在叙述时,避免汉语式英语,语言表达符合英语习惯,准确运用时态、主谓一致、句型等,句意叙述完整且条理清晰,语句通顺,语义连贯。 3.扩充句子:通过增加状语,定语,连词,使句子意思饱满充实。4.连句成文,合理使用连词。5.改正错误:拼写是否错误,语法时态是否正确,连词是否恰当等。6.誊写作文:注意书写工整美观整洁。
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