

英语作文范文 07-09
1. 简要介绍这款生活型智能机器人。
2. 谈谈这款生活智能机器人的功能(至少写2点)
3. 说明生活型机器人的意义。
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参考词汇:智能机器人intelligent robot
June 10, 2020
Here I would like to introduce a new type of intelligent household robot to you.
【答案】June 10, 2020
Here I would like to introduce a new type of intelligent household robot to you.
In recent years, an intelligent robot, powered by solar energy which is environmentally-friendly, has been designed to provide everyday assistance in our life by scientists in our country.
So many powerful functions does this intelligent robot have that it can help us in various ways. Firstly, it can do all the housework, such as cooking, washing and cleaning windows, as a result of which, people can be freed from heavy labour. What’s more, if used appropriately, the robot is capable of taking good care of the elderly and the sick, lightening the burden of their family members’ care for them. Of course, you’ll also take advantage of this robot by not only communicating with it but surfing the Internet through it to collect amounts of information. Not to mention it can even entertain you if it accepts voice commands, playing songs, to mention just one example.
There’s no doubt that the creation of this intelligent robot shows the rapid development of science and technology of our country. I’m firmly convinced it will be a big helper in a family, making life more convenient and I’m looking forward to the life with this robot.
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