
书面表达(25分) 假设你的美国笔友John来信想了解你们学校和你在学校的学习生活情况,请给他写一封回信。包括以下要点:

英语作文范文 07-26
1. 对学校做简要介绍(拥有80多年历史);
2. 学校的设施(拥有现代化的教学楼、办公楼;学校环境优美等);
3. 教师们爱岗敬业、和蔼可亲。
参考词汇:作简介:make a brief introduction; 学习和生活情况:learning and living condition
现代化的:modern; 爱岗敬业的:diligent and dedicated; 和蔼可亲的:amiable
【答案】Dear John,
Thanks for your letter. How is it going with you? In your letter you asked me about our school. Let me make a brief introduction about my learning and living condition.
My school has a history of about 80 years. However, it doesn’t lack of modern teach buildings or offices in our school. Besides, the environment in our school is good. There are many trees in our school. And you can see no trash on your road to teach buildings. Last but not least, my teachers are all diligent and dedicated. They are very conscientious. Meanwhile, they are amiable, you can ask them for help at anytime.
I’m looking forward to meeting you in our school. If you have time, welcome to my school.
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