
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 While driving, I sensed something wrong with my c

英语作文范文 08-13
While driving, I sensed something wrong with my car. Pulling into the first parking lot I found, I stopped it and climbed out to assess the situation. My heart sank as I discovered that one of my rear(后面的)tires was flat.
I’d bought the secondhand car several months before, but it didn’t include a spare tire. Although I knew I needed to purchase one, my schedule was so tight that I hadn’t done it yet. Because I was working full-time in the emergency room at a local hospital and taking evening classes at a university fifty miles away.
Now here I was, alone forty miles from home. In those days, cell phones were a luxury. I had no way to call for assistance.
My spirits grew darker the minute I checked the place where I had pulled over. No one was around, except a rusty, red truck. It was getting dark. I had two options:stay in my car until morning or start walking in hopes of finding a convenience store with a pay phone. Neither option appealed to me.
I was about to grab my purse and set off on foot when a man came out from what seemed to be a law office Pulling a set of keys from his pocket,he locked the office door,and then turned and saw me standing next to my car. I must have looked scared and confused as he headed straight toward me.
“Can 1 help you with anything?” he asked.
Judging from his appearance, I decided I could trust him.
“I have a flat tire but don’t have a spare” I said, relieved to see him.
“I can help you remove the flat and then drive you to a tire shop to get it fixed,” he said.
I remembered the cautionary(告诫的)words my parents had drilled into my head:Never get in a car with a stranger.
“That’s okay,” I said. “Thanks anyway.”
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