
读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife w

英语作文范文 08-22
读后续写  阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.
On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.
The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked: “Are these yours?”
“Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly (胆怯地).
“Have you killed the man?”
“No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry.
 “When did you see the dead man?”
“About seven last evening.”
 “Did you see who killed the man?”
 “No, Sir.”
The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?”
“No, Sir.”
The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and send him into prison. the officer wanted to trap the farmer into the confession(供认), but the farmer didn't admit he was the murderer.
Paragraph 1:
The officer was so angry that he asked the policeman to beat him up again.
The farmer was lucky .A few days later,
1. 农夫非常害怕,他以为自己会被判死刑,但他是无辜的。
2. 他必须告诉人们真相,但没有人能听到他的声音。
3. 他希望有人能来救他。
4. 几天后,一个年轻人和许多记者来到警察局,说他看到了凶手。
5. 是警察在雪地上杀了那个人!
6. 他看到警察局在深夜用刀杀死了那个人。
7. 他吓得跑了。但是年轻人认为农夫是无辜的。
8. 所以他鼓足勇气揭露了真正的罪犯。
9. 经过调查,这个年轻人是对的。
10. 警察被送进监狱,殴打农民的警察被开除,这个勇敢的年轻人被村民们视为英雄。
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