
书面表达(满分20分) 你们班学生就是否应该开发人工智能机器人展开了讨论。请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,阐明你的观点。

英语作文范文 08-28
词数: 100左右。
提示:1. 你赞成开发机器人。
      2. 机器人的应用可以使人类免除大量繁重的劳动。
      3. 人类将拥有更多闲暇时光。
      4. 机器人的应用不会使人懒惰,只会激起人们对人工智能研究的兴趣。
      5. 机器人不能独立思考,需按人类的指令工作,因而不存在机器人“统治世界”的问题。
参考词汇:闲暇leisure       激起arouse      人工智能artificial intelligence
  I think we should encourage the development of robots. Robots are of great use in our life. They can help us to a lot of hard work. As a result, human beings can enjoy far more leisure than they do now. It’s unnecessary to worry that the application of robots will get human beings lazy. On the contrary, it will arouse people’s interest in the research of artificial intelligence.
  Since robots can’t “ think” independently and they need instructions from human beings, they can never “ rule the world” by making decision of their own.
  Robots are to improve our lives in the future
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