
This holiday season, holiday shoppers can for the first time send festive greetings that help protec

英语试题 02-29
This holiday season, holiday shoppers can for the first time send festive greetings that help protect rather than destroy our evergreen world. The beautiful e-card can be sent via TreeGreetings, available at http://www. TreeGreetings. com.
Each $8.95 TreeGreetings e-card comes with a virtual tour of the actual location where the gift tree will be planted along with a full-color, personalized planting certificate. The greetings feature musical slide shows with nature photography and inspirational messages.
“Our cards exemplify (是…的典型) the spirit of holiday giving,” said Alan Shamir, founder and CEO of Your True Nature Inc., which markets TreeGreetings electronic products. “Our customers can give back to the Earth by contributing to reforestation while sharing holiday goodwill with friends and family.” TreeGreetings offers a full range of e-cards to celebrate any occasion including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, new homes, congratulations, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.
Individuals and organizations can easily send personalized TreeGreetings to their entire holiday lists at quantity-discounted rates, and distribution on a selected date can be scheduled days, weeks, or months in advance.
Gift trees are planted and cared for by well-established, reliable non-profit organizations including the internationally recognized Trees, Water & People, which has planted 1.2 million trees in Central America, and Plant-It 2020, a foundation created by singer John Denver in1992.
After having received a Magnolia tree for his 11th birthday, Shamir gained a lifelong appreciation for the value and joy of receiving a living growing gift. He said, “My tree and I ‘grow up’ together! It has been such a valuable and important part of my life that I want to give others the experience of having a tree planted for their special occasions.”
12. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Creating an e-card for yourself B. The e-card that plants a tree
C. What to send on special occasions D. The spirit of holiday giving
13. What is special about the TreeGreetings e-card?
A. It can be sent to the receiver in advance.
B. It will be attached to the tree planted for you.
C. It can be used as a personalized planting certificate.
D. It is mainly intended for environmental protection.
14. What do we know about John Denver from the 5th paragraph?
A. He used to be engaged in tree planting.
B. He often sends e-cards to his friends.
C. He is the founder of Plant-It 2020.
D. He sang songs to protect our environment.
15. What can we learn about Shamir?
A. He will send e-cards to others on their birthdays.
B. He plants a tree every year on his birthday.
C. He often helps others to plant trees.
D. He planted a tree in his garden.
【答案】12. B    13. D    14. C    15. A
主旨大意题。根据文章结构为总分结构,第一段用来吸引读者,第二段提出了真正的主题“Each $8.95 TreeGreetings e-card comes with a virtual tour of the actual location where the gift tree will be planted along with a full-color, personalized planting certificate.( 每一张8.95美元的树之问候电子贺卡都附带了一个虚拟之旅,在那里你可以看到你的礼物树将被种植在什么地方,同时你还可以获得一张彩色的、个性化的种植证书。)”可知,文章主要介绍了一种电子贺卡可以种一棵树。B项“The e-card that plants a tree”概括了主题。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段第2句内容:“Our customers can give back to the Earth by contributing to reforestation while sharing holiday goodwill with friends and family.”(“我们的客户可以通过帮助重新造林来回馈地球,同时与朋友和家人分享节日的喜悦。”)可知这种电子贺卡的目的是为了环保。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段内容“Gift trees are planted and cared for by well-established, reliable non-profit organizations including the internationally recognized Trees, Water & People, which has planted 1.2 million trees in Central America, and Plant-It 2020, a foundation created by singer John Denver in1992. (礼品树是由成熟可靠的非盈利组织种植和照顾的,包括国际认可的树木,水和人,已经在中美洲种植了120万棵树,还有Plant-It 2020,一个由歌手约翰·丹佛在1992年创建的基金会。)”可知, John Denver是这个基金的创始人。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据文章末尾段落内容“It has been such a valuable and important part of my life that I want to give others the experience of having a tree planted for their special occasions. (这是我生命中如此宝贵和重要的一部分,所以我想给别人一种体验,就像在他们的特殊场合种一棵树一样。”) 可知,在收到过“木兰树”生日礼物后,Shamir希望能够将这种体验分享给其他人。A项“He will send e-cards to others on their birthdays.( 他会在别人生日的时候给他们发电子贺卡。)”为合理推理。故选A项。
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