
One of the most important things that has happened to me occurred long before I

英语试题 05-20

4.此题为细节理解题。由第一段中的“As the story goes, I was three days old and Mom was singing “The Name Game” song to me: “Christine Bo-Bean-Banana-Fanna-Fo-Feen.” By day four, I was given a new name—Christine-Bo-Bean, or just Bo-Bee to my mother.”( 故事是这样的,我三天大,妈妈给我唱了一首“名字游戏”的歌:“克莉丝汀·波豆香蕉粉”。到了第四天,我得到了一个新的名字,克莉丝汀·波豆,或者对于妈妈来说是波比。),可知作者出生后四天大得到了昵称。故选B项。
5. 此题为推理判断题。由第三段中的“They still see me as a quiet, bookish child. They don’t know who I am now. My most recent hopes, fears, goals, dreams and opinions escape their notice; it is easier to think of me as I was”( 他们仍然把我看作一个安静的,书呆子。他们不知道我现在是谁。我最近的希望、恐惧、目标、梦想和观点都没有引起他们的注意;更容易把我想象成原来的我。),可推断出他们并没有意识到作者的改变。故选C项。
6. 此题为推理判断题。由第四段中的“Bo is a tight squeeze in the old “Christine” boxes.”( Bo是个挤在旧“Christine”盒子里的人。),可知作者的过去指的是Christine(克莉丝汀);再有第五段中的“When I was Christine, I was quiet, and easily scared. I feared groups, meeting new people and sharing my opinions. I was more comfortable with a book than my best friend. As Christine, I thought everyone was better than I was.”(当我还是克莉丝汀的时候,我很安静,很容易害怕。我害怕团体,害怕结识新朋友,害怕分享自己的观点。与其和好朋友待在一起,我更喜欢和书相处,这样更舒服。作为克莉丝汀,我觉得每个人都比我好。),可推断出作者过去缺乏信心、宁愿独处。故选D项。
7. 此题为主旨大意题。第一段讲昵称Christine-Bo-Bean的由来,第二段讲昵称Bo的重要性,第三段讲本名Christine的自己在大家眼中是什么样的,第四到五段讲作者成为 “Christine”和“Bo”的不同之处,第六到八段讲自己更喜欢Bo的身份,所以文章讲的是Bo这个真正的名字。故选A项。
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