
Using little more than a pencil a slide rule and one of the finest mathematical minds

英语试题 06-06

46. B    47. C    48. A    49. D
词义猜测题。根据此词前一句for decades afterward,almost no one knew her name.“几十年后,几乎没有人知道她的名字。”由此推知,下文中划线词的意思是“以前未提到的”。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段中Using little more than a pencil,a slide rule and one of the finest mathematical minds in the country,Mrs.Johnson, who died at 101,calculated the precise path that would let Apollo 11 land on the moon in 1969“她只用了一支铅笔和一把计算尺,而她是美国最杰出的数学天才之一。约翰逊在101岁时去世,她计算出了阿波罗11号在1969年登陆月球的精确路径,”和But it was not only her gender that kept her long marginalized and long unsung Katherine Johnson,a West Virginia native,was also African-American.“然而,让长期被边缘化、默默无闻的凯瑟琳·约翰逊(Katherine Johnson)成为非裔美国人的不只是她的性别。”和第三段“They didn't have time to be concerned about what color I was.”“他们没有时间去关心我是什么肤色。他们没有时间去关心我是什么肤色。”由此可知,她的肤色,她的性别和她的智慧使约翰逊夫人成为一个奇迹。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段“NASA was a very professional organization,”Mrs.Johnson told The Observer of Fayetteville,N.C.,in 2010. “They didn't have time to be concerned about what color I was.”“I don't have a feeling of inferiority,”Mrs.Johnson said on at least one occasion.”Never had.I m as good as anybody,but no better.” NASA是一个非常专业组织。约翰逊告诉北卡罗来纳州费耶特维尔的《观察家报》在2010年。“他们没有时间去关心我是什么肤色。“我没有自卑感。”约翰逊至少有一次这样说过。“从来没有。我和别人一样好,但也好不到哪去。”由此可知,从约翰逊夫人对NASA和她自己工作的评论中,可知她是自信而谦虚的。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段中Using little more than a pencil,a slide rule and one of the finest mathematical minds in the country,Mrs.Johnson, who died at 101,calculated the precise path that would let Apollo 11 land on the moon in 1969“她只用了一支铅笔和一把计算尺,而她是美国最杰出的数学天才之一。约翰逊享年101岁,他计算出了阿波罗11号在1969年登陆月球的精确路径”。由此可知作者女数学家在航空事业上打破了壁垒,做出了巨大贡献,所以D项为最佳标题。故选D。
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