
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The residents of Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin are no stra

英语试题 07-21

51.A. force B.allow C.require D.beg
52.A. reality B. possibility C. ability D. popularity
53.A. sad B. delighted C. annoyed D. excited
54.A. monitoring B. directing C. changing D. recording
55.A. afraid B. proud C. sorry D. sure
56.A. rest B. photo C. step D. turn
57.A. gently B. heavily C. specially D. suddenly
58.A. jumps B. jogs C. wanders D. lies
59.A. attempts B. struggles C. challenges D. tricks
60.A. unfair B. unusual C. uneasy D. unsuccessful

41---45 DBCAB 46---50 CCACD 51---55 BDABA 56---60 BDCAD

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