
The village of Hallstatt in Austria is a collection of appealing old buildings grouped at the edge o

英语试题 07-22

8. B    9. A    10. D    11. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中“But the number of visitors really exploded after the release of Disney’s movie “Frozen” in 2013.”但是自2013年迪斯尼电影《冰雪奇缘》上映以来,观众人数突然间增多了。可知这部电影的流行对Hallstatt变得世界闻名发挥了至关重要的作用。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第一段中“The number of visitors who arrive here each day is huge — up to 10,000 visitors.”每天到达这里的访客数量庞大——多达10,000名访客。以及第二段中“Local people think it’s a catastrophe. With the number of visitors mentioned above a day, that’s over 12 tourists for every person in Hallstatt.”当地人认为这是一场灾难。鉴于上述每天的访问者人数,Hallstatt当地人每天每人要接待多于12个游客。可知Hallstatt当地人的数量大约是800人。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Local people think it’s a catastrophe.”当地人认为这是一场灾难。和“But villagers also admit the fact that before the tourist boom, people would leave Hallstatt to find work and that many people rely upon the tourists for their jobs now.”但是村民们也承认一个事实,那就是在旅游业繁荣之前,人们会离开Hallstatt去找工作,而且现在有许多人依靠游客谋生。可知村民们认为旅游业让他们对此进退两难。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Hotel rooms can cost between $350 and $450. Oh, and it costs over one dollar to use the public bathroom here.”酒店房间的费用在$ 350至$ 450之间。在这里使用公共浴室要花费一美元以上。最后一段意在表明在Hallstatt,处处都要花钱,在来这里之前,要准备好付钱。故选C项。
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