
Friday would be Samia and Salem’s wedding day! Everyone in the village was excited and was busy prep

英语试题 07-26

5. A    6. C    7. D    8. B
本文是一篇记叙文。Samia and Salem将在星期五举行婚礼,在婚礼的头一天,按照传统,新娘Samia需要涂指甲花,但是在涂指甲花的过程中,她对指甲花染料过敏,导致紧急情况的发生,她母亲冷静处理,最后化险为夷。
细节理解题。根据第一段“...together with the nurses, the groom was busy delivering a baby in his clinic.”信息可知,在婚礼的前一天,新郎Salem还在诊所和护士一起接生一个小宝宝。因此,选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Grandma and Mum were busy in the kitchen with the food they had made for the henna feast for the day before Friday.”可知,星期四,即Samia and Salem婚礼的前一天,根据传统风俗,新娘需要涂指甲花,然后有一个很大的宴会,Samia的奶奶和妈妈在为这个宴会做准备。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Mariam suggested applying some cold cream on Samia’s hand and ran off and returned with some in her hand.”信息可知,Mariam是急救医生,她建议将冷的奶油涂在Samia的手上,于是跑开去拿奶油,而且很快拿了一些了回来。可见,她跑开是为了去拿奶油。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Mum took control and phoned Salem but in vain. Without hesitation, she took Samia to the hospital urgently...”信息可知,在大家不知所措的时候,是Samia控制了局面,在给新郎Salem打电话无果的情况下,她毫不犹豫地与Samia的父亲和其他朋友紧急将她送到医院。在整个过程中,她显得干练,冷静,故选B。
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