
One day,I was taking a nap in my office when I woke up to the sound of a car crash.I sat up and look

英语试题 08-02

1. A    2. B    3. D    4. C
推理判断题。由第二段“Then I watched as the driver got out of the car.He wore loose trousers and a crumpled(褶皱的)shirt unbuttoned to show his chest hair.Immediately,I disliked him.”可知,我看到司机从车里下来,他穿着宽松的裤子,衬衣上全是褶子,衣服纽扣没有扣上露出了胸毛。我很讨厌他。可以推断作者对他的印象是反感的,并认为认为那个人不负责任。B项、C项、D项均不符合文意。故选A项。
词义猜测题。由第四段“However,suddenly,the man fell hard onto the ground with one of his shoes landing 10 feet away on the sidewalk.I think I laughed out loudly.That almost brightened my whole morning.”可知,我看到那个人突然重重地摔倒在地,一只鞋甩到了10英尺外的人行道上。我大笑出声。这件事情让我一早上都觉得好开心。这里that指代前一句讲的讨厌的司机摔倒在地这件事情。B项符合文意。故选B项。
细节理解题。由第五段“However,a few minutes later the man appeared with some tools and for the next hour, I watched out of my window as he stubbornly fixed the fence.Now the fence would be extra secure,stronger than before.That man was actually a hero.”可知,我以为那个人直接丢下烂摊子走掉了。但是几分钟后他拿着工具回来了。接下来一个小时他都在那里一直修栅栏。栅栏最后被修好了,比之前坚固多了。那个人其实是个英雄。正是因为作者看到了司机认真负责的做事态度,对司机的印象从反感转变为敬佩。D项符合文意。故选D项。
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