
US Psychotherapist(精神治疗师)Virginia Satir (1916-1988) once said:

英语作文范文 03-13
US Psychotherapist(精神治疗师)Virginia Satir (1916-1988) once said: "We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth." She believed that hugging was necessary and important. Researchers have found scientific evidence that backs up her beliefs. According to a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science, receiving a hug can reduce stress and help protect us from illness.
In the study, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the US invited 404 healthy adults to participate in interviews about how often they experienced conflicts in their daily lives, as well as how many hugs they received within a period of two weeks. These participants were intentionally exposed to cold viruses during the interview.
According to the research, people who received hugs on the same days when they experienced conflicts tended to report fewer negative feelings during the following days. They have also found that people who received hugs were less stressed out. The physical contact that we get through hugging, especially loved ones, is a "marker of intimacy(亲密)and helps generate the feeling that others are there to help in the face of adversity(困境)", according to Scientific American. People feel more comfortable and relaxed after hugging.
The researchers have also found that the more hugs people get, the less likely they are to catch colds, Science Daily noted. When people receive hugs, they release more oxytocin(后叶催产素), which is also known as the "love hormone". According to the researchers, this hormone can decrease one's heart rate and lower blood pressure. This can put people into a state of emotional well-being. When people are in this state, their immune systems become stronger.
Of course, hugging is not the only way to comfort others. But physical contact like hugging can comfort people without "making any judgments (about right or wrong)", Michael Murphy from CMU told Time.

  The necessity and significance of hugging is confirmed by a recent study. (要点1) In the study, participants were asked about their conflict experience and the hugs they received with exposure to cold viruses at the same time.  (要点2)The study shows hugs help avoid negative feelings and relieve stress. The study also finds hugging can strengthen people’s immune system, reducing the possibility to develop illnesses. (要点3) Surely hugging is an ideal way to give us comfort. (要点4)

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