
We went to Darjelling during the summer holidays and booked a cottage(农舍) for our

英语作文范文 04-25
We went to Darjelling during the summer holidays and booked a cottage(农舍) for our stay. Our cook Gopi came with us because we could not do without home-cooked meals.
Usually all the shopping was done by our home help Bharat, who went to our holiday destination with us. However, one early evening, my mother decided to do all the vegetable shopping by herself. She believed that Bharat did not wait to check the really fresh items and instead, bought some things in a hurry. As a result, the vegetables he brought back were not fresh.
After getting ready, she took her favorite purse with quite an amount of money, thinking she could go to other shops too after finishing at the vegetable market. My mother asked Bharat to get a rickshaw for her and on reaching the market, she asked the rickshaw wallah ( 人力车车夫) to wait for her. She took a coolie (小工) and did her shopping happily, choosing some of the freshest green vegetables available there. At last, her shopping was done. She returned to the rickshaw and sat on it while the coolie put all the things my mother had bought onto the rickshaw.
On reaching home, Bharat took all the packets of vegetables inside and my mother quickly paid the rickshaw wallah and got off, forgetting to collect her purse from the seat of the rickshaw. The rickshaw wallah left soon after saying goodbye to my mother. All of us greeted my mother and asked her about her evening of shopping with much delight.
Then we began to help my mother prepare our dinner. My father came to help cut the meat; I helped wash the vegetables; we were talking and laughing. When dinner was ready, it was late in the evening, almost 9 p.m.
Paragraph 1:
Then my mom realized her purse was missing.
Paragraph 2:
We were just about to begin eating when the door belling rang.

【答案】Then my mom realized her purse was missing. She looked everywhere for it and suddenly remembered that after paying the rickshaw wallah, she kept the purse on the seat before getting off. She had forgotten to pick up her purse which contained a lot of money. When my father came to know about this, he said that it was too late to look for the rickshaw wallah. We all decided that it was better to forget it. Mom felt sad and worried while sitting for dinner.
We were just about to begin eating when the door bell rang. Bharat opened the door and called my mother to see who it was. To our surprise, it was the poor rickshaw wallah standing at our entrance with a big smile on his weather-beaten face. He had the purse in his hand. He explained that he had returned to the market before he realized what had happened. When my mother opened the purse, she found all the cash in it. We wanted to reward the lovely man but he smiled and said, “Madam, I’m poor but not a thief” and went away quickly.
【详解】短文叙述了暑期期间,一家人去度假,租了一间小木屋,通常所有的购物都是由作者的家庭帮手巴拉特完成的,但有一天妈妈决定亲自去菜市场买菜。一到家就付了人力车夫的钱,开始卸货,准备晚饭,这时.....。短文续写由此开始。1.第一段给出的首句是Then my mom realized her purse was missing.这一句是故事发展的转折点。可以从“她到处找,突然想起付了车钱,下车前把钱包放在车座上。”入手扩展开去,——无论从何角度拓展,需注意与续写第二段首句呼应。
2.第二段所给首句We were just about to begin eating when the door belling rang.这一句呼应前文,紧接着可以从“Bharat打开门,打电话给我母亲,问是谁。”入手续写。
【点睛】文章段落衔接紧密,语言精炼,布局合理,文中使用高级句子。She looked everywhere for it and suddenly remembered that after paying the rickshaw wallah, she kept the purse on the seat before getting off.句中使用that引导的宾语从句;She had forgotten to pick up her purse which contained a lot of money.句中which引导定语从句;When my mother opened the purse, she found all the cash in it.句中when引导时间状语从句。
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