

英语作文范文 05-01
Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
上海电视台外语频道打算开办一档面向中学生观众的英语节目,新聘任了来自英国的John  作为节目编辑助理。现在,John 就节目内容向广大中学生征求意见。假如你是学生李华,请你给 John 写信谈谈你对该节目的设想。信的内容包括:

Dear John,
I know you’re going to set up an English program for middle school students. So I’m writing to suggest a program named “All-round Shanghai”. This program will cover topics like the history, education, famous scenic spots, food and famous people of Shanghai. It would be better to broadcast it on weekends so that we students can have the chance to watch it.
Besides, you can also invite some middle school students to get involved in this program, which will surely arouse other students’ interest in it. Not only will the program help students improve their English, but also get them to know more about the culture of Shanghai so as to introduce Shanghai to foreign visitors. I am sure it will be well-received by middle school students. I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
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