
完形填空There was a dollar on the floor. Dylan Belscher 21 it as he sat

英语试题 04-26
There was a dollar on the floor. Dylan Belscher 21 it as he sat at the back of his English class. He could have 22 it easily without being discovered. 23, he picked it up and brought it to Katie Mattison who was in charge of his class.
“It wasn’t my 24,”Belscher said. Mattison, 54, was 25 that the little boy should hand the dollar in. She 26 that Belscher tape it on the whiteboard in the front of the classroom. Maybe the dollar was lunch money or bus fare for the student who 27 it. So Mattison wanted the 28 owner to claim (认领) it.
Later, little Hunter Rose spotted the dollar on the whiteboard. He asked some other kids 29 a dollar was taped on the board. Everyone replied, “I don’t know.” Without much thinking,Rose taped a second dollar on the board.
That got it rolling. The 30 of the two dollar bills triggered (触发) something in Mattison’s students. More students 31 asking about the purpose of the two dollars and got the 32 answer: I don’t know.
More students, intrigued taped up one dollar bill. Even with no specific purpose, many students 33 to be part of whatever this was, 34 that the eventual plan for the dollars would be for “something good”.
The amount continued to grow until it reached $175.76. As for the initial dollar, the person who lost it 35 came looking. How to use the $175.76? Mattison decided upon the best 36: to donate it. She asked the teens whether they 37 the idea.
All students’ 38 was to tape enough money over the next few days, which pushed the amount to $321.06. Thus the initial one dollar turned into a story of 39 in the end. Many people were 40 by Mattison’s students, gestures.
21. A. discussed B. noticed C. threw D. ignored
22. A. studied B. removed C. pocketed D. shared
23. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. Instead
24. A. idea B. class C. money D. gift
25. A. amazed B. grateful C. afraid D. confident
26. A. warned B. suggested C. insisted D. reported
27. A. needed B. donated C. earned D. dropped
28. A. original B. generous C. respectable D. familiar
29. A. whether B. why C. when D. where
30. A. sight B. loss C. photo D. significance
31. A. minded B. admitted C. started D. regretted
32. A. ambiguous B. crazy C. right D. same
33. A. happened B. desired C. pretended D. forgot
34. A. remembering B. demanding C. assuming D. reminding
35. A. sometimes B. never C. seldom D. usually
36. A. chance B. direction C. solution D. topic
37. A. supported B. raised C. knew D. improved
38. A. story B. lesson C. message D. answer
39. A. adventure B. tolerance C. success D. kindness
40. A. touched B. honored C. shocked D. confused

答案 21-25 BCDCA 26-30 BDABA 31-35 CDBCB  36-40 CADDA

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