
与其说他是老师,不如说他更像学者。 He is _________ a teacher _________ a scholar.

英语试题 04-28
66. 与其说他是老师,不如说他更像学者。
He is _________ a teacher _________ a scholar.
67. 我真诚地希望你能抽出一些时间来参加这次艺术盛宴。
I sincerely hope you can ________  __________ some time for the art feast.
68. 人们普遍认为应该依据整体素质来评价学生
    _______  _______  ________  __________ that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.
69. 显然易见的是,老年人容易被虚假广告欺骗。
Apparently, the aged are easily ________  _______ by false advertisements.
70. 当这位运动员获得奥运会金牌时,她多年的辛苦训练终于有所回报了。
The athlete’s years of hard training _______  ______ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.
71. 经过漫长时间的等待,我们一直盼望的时刻到了。
_______  ________ the moment we had been looking forward to after a long wait.
72. 要建设,没有和平环境是不可能的。
Without a peaceful environment, economic development would be ______  ______  _______  ________.
73. 有些动物无法适应新的气候,逐渐灭绝了。
Some animals couldn’t ________  _________ the new climate and died out gradually.
In many countries, young people still ________  ________ the tradition that women will get married in long white dress.
I spent half an hour thinking about _______  _______  _______ next.
It is our honor to ________  _________ this voluntary work to help those in need.
Don't let yourself _______  _________  _________ by a small failure in the experiment; try again.


  1. more; than
  2. set aside
  3. It is widely acknowledged
  4. taken in
  5. paid off
  6. then came
  7. out of the question
  8. adapt/adjust to
  9. keep up
  10. what to do
  11. participate in
  12. be cast down
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