
There were far fewer cars on the streets and crowds were not seen in the shopping malls in

英语试题 05-03

8.D 词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句中for having had contact with infected patients, but luckily she has no signs of symptoms for the time being.“因为她曾接触过受感染的病人,但幸运的是,目前她还没有任何症状的迹象。”由此可知,回到家后把她“隔离”。所以划线词的意思是“分离,隔离”。故选D。
9.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中Yin Yeqiong, from Hunan Province, refunded (退掉)her tickets back home after much debate. “I had it in my mind to still go home, but finally decided to stay in Wuhan,” she said. “Our stay will help reduce panic in other places."来自湖南省的尹叶琼(音译)经过一番讨论后,决定退票回家。她说:“我本想还是回家,但最后还是决定留在武汉。”“我们的停留将有助于减少其他地方的恐慌。”由此推知,她之所以留在武汉是因为她她不想引起不必要的麻烦。故选C。
10.A 目的意图题。根据倒数第二段Doctors, nurses and experts from across the nation have been selected to join the battle, and manufacturers have restarted their plants to produce medical consumables that have been running short in many places.“来自全国各地的医生、护士和专家已被选中加入这场战斗,制造商已重启工厂,生产在许多地方短缺的医疗耗材。”和最后一段中Because I feel that at this moment, there are so many families that I do not know in every corner of this city, praying for our home."“因为我感到,此时此刻,在这个城市的每一个角落,都有许多我不认识的家庭在为我们的家祈祷。”由此可知,中国人正在共同抗击这种流行病。故选A。
11.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中Chen Li, a doctor in a Wuhan hospital, spent the Chinese Lunar New year's Eve at home to quarantine herself for having had contact with infected patients, but luckily she has no signs of symptoms for the time being. Chen's husband is at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic (流行病).  武汉一家医院的医生陈丽(音)在农历新年的前一天晚上呆在家里隔离自己,因为她与感染者有过接触,但幸运的是,目前她还没有“症状”的迹象。陈的丈夫站在抗击新冠状病毒的最前线。由此可知,陈莉和她的丈夫都在武汉与冠状病毒作斗争。故选B。
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