
How to take notes Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class ___16___ Adults (成年人)

英语试题 05-09
How to take notes
Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class ___16___ Adults (成年人) need to take notes in meetings or training courses for work. So here are some ways to help you develop this important skill.
♦ Begin with the date and the topic of the class. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget. ___17___
♦ Focus on the most important points. Trying to write down everything the speaker says will only make you angry. ___18___
♦ If the speaker uses a PowerPoint, you may not need to copy the slides. Ask if the PowerPoint will be available afterward. If so, you can focus on writing the things the speaker says instead. Or you can take a picture with a phone. ___19___ If so, print it out so you can write notes on it.
___20___ This will give you the chance to add any information that you didn’t write down. It’s best to do this as soon as possible, so that you don’t forget anything. This review will also increase your chances of remembering what you wrote.
Note-taking is a useful skill, so it’s important to practice doing it well.
A. Also, the PowerPoint may be available before the class or meeting.
B. Look over your notes again after taking them.
C. It will help you keep your notes organized.
D. Try your best to write down what you want to remember.
E. But the skill of note-taking isn’t only used in school.
F. Consider different note-taking skills.
G. Instead, listen for the key ideas the person wants to communicate.

【答案】16. E    17. C    18. G    19. A    20. B
【点睛】本篇七选五结构清晰,每段都有各自主题句,在填空的时候注意把握各段主题句和内容的对应。比如第五小题,需要根据下文内容选择主题句,看到下文的关键词“review”,选项中“look over…again”与之对应,就可以选出正确答案。
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