
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University chose 45 healthy overweight people who agreed to

英语试题 05-10
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University chose 45 healthy overweight people who agreed to try three different kinds of diets. Their study appeared on Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
One was a low­fat diet that included lots of fruits, low­fat milky products, and small amounts of red meat. The other two were moderate­fat diets. That is, the fat they included was not very high or very low. The kinds of foods and meals were similar to the low­fat diet, but they included more nuts and oils. The only difference between the two was the avocado(牛油果) -a pear­shaped fruit with a thick green or dark purple skin. One diet included a daily serving of one avocado, and the other diet had the same amount of fat from other sources.
At the end of the study, the researchers found that the avocado diet led to a big, noticeable drop in LDL compared with the other two diets. LDL is the bad kind of cholesterol (胆固醇), which is found in your blood. Too much LDL in your body may cause heart disease.
“I was surprised to see the added advantage of the avocado,” said Penny Kris­Etherton, a nutrition scientist at Penn State and the lead author of the study.
She says she’d like to do further research to explain the added drop in LDL in the study groups. It’s possible that the fiber in avocados may play a role in lowering the cholesterol, she says. “In the U.S, most people do not eat an avocado every day because of its high prices. Some people take it with chips,” Penny added.
But one caveat for anyone who loves avocado dip (酱): When it’s served up with chips, the calories can add up, which is not good to your health. Calories show how much energy food will produce. A half cup of avocado dip has about 200 calories all on its own.
8. What can we learn about the three kinds of diets?
A. The low­fat diet mainly included nuts and oils.
B. The avocado diet included three avocados a day.
C. All three diets had totally different kinds of foods.
D. The moderate­fat diets probably had milky products.
9. The study shows that the avocado ________.
A. always causes heart disease
B. makes people put on weight
C. can reduce the level of LDL
D. is a good source of nutrition
10. What does the underlined word “caveat” probably mean?
A. Joke. B. Choice.
C. Pity. D. Warning.

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