
Every day we have to deal with newer distractions like smartphones and advertisements as

英语试题 05-11
Every day we have to deal with newer distractions like smartphones and advertisements as well as traditional ones, such as loud fellow coworkers and a disorganized home and workspace. ____16____ These are the top three that you should avoid.
1. The Internet and media
Although the Internet and social media have gifted us with instant access to information, they have become a big source of distraction. According to a research, the average person spends about three hours or more a day on their phones, which means a huge cost in productivity. To reduce the amount of time spent on the social media, you'd better limit the number of apps and social media platforms on your phone. ___17___
2. People who are unsupportive and exhaust you
There are people whose presence can be a major drain (榨干) on your time and energy. _____18_____ We must be careful in dealing with these type of individuals. ______19______ You also have to learn how to say no and replace such people with those who support you and who you can ask for help.
3 A disorganized environment and schedule
___20___ Along with an organized environment, we need to ensure that our activities are scheduled in a timely manner. A clear and well thought-out plan helps us avoid wasting time on unimportant tasks, and focus on those that count. You'll establish a low in your activities, while steadily making progress in your plans.
A. These measures ensures you don't go too far.
B. To avoid these, break the circle that affects your life.
C. Untidy places often affect your attention and increase tress levels.
D. The bottom line is that you should either build boundaries or cut them out.
E. To attain lasting success and fulfillment you should remove the time wasters in the life.
F. Set a timer while you're browsing the Internet for fun, and get off when the timer goes off.
G. For example, a coworker or a friend talks nonstop and constantly asks for favors, who are unsupportive of you and your aspirations.

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