
我住的那所房子离学校很远。 The house _________ __________ I live is far away from my school.

英语试题 05-18
61. 我住的那所房子离学校很远。
   The house _________  __________ I live is far away from my school.
62. 要充分利用一切机会说英语
  ________ ________ ________ every chance you have to speak English.            
63. Berlin ________ ________ ________  (破败不堪) after World War II.
64. 她已失业一年了。
She had been ________ ________ ________ for a year.
65. 这本书是我的。
This book ________ ________ me.
66. 她进了厨房,想找杯水。
She went into the kitchen ________ ________ ________ a drink of water.
67. 她犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。
  She made one big mistake, and, ________ ________ ________, lost her job.
68. 请注意我说的话。
Please ________ ________ ________ what I am saying.
69. 说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的可能。
   ________ ________ ________, I don't think we have a chance of winning.

  1. in which
  2. Make use of
  3. was in ruins
  4.  out of work
  5.  belongs to
  6.  in search of    
  7.  as a result  
  8.  pay attention to 
  9.  To be honest    
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