
词义猜测 When lines are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently, and can charge at any

英语试题 05-29
词义猜测 根据句意选出划线部分合适的意思(每题1分,共15分)
56. When lines are hiding for an attack by a water hole, they wait patiently, and can charge at any second.
   A. 充电    B. 收费    C. 向……冲   D. 控告
57. Class means a person’s economy position in society.
   A. 班级   B. 等级    C. 课程    D. 阶级
58. As my mind cleared, I remembered what had happened.
   A. 恢复畅通   B. 变清晰    C. 转晴    D. 清除
59. The match closed at ten o’clock.
   A. 合上    B. 歇业    C. 结束   D. 接近
60. I’ve got to collected my kids after school.
   A. 收取    B. 收藏    C. 收集    D. 接走
61. He spoke for a long time, but his meaning didn’t come across.
   A. 被理解    B. 偶然遇见   C. 出现   D. 发生
62. I planted some lily seeds in the yard, but they failed to come up.
   A. 上升   B. 走近   C. 被提出   D. 发芽
63. Please keep a complete account of the money we have spent.
   A. 完成的   B. 完全的   C. 具有某特点的   D. 完整的
64. So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning.
   A. 指挥   B. 引导   C. 举止   D. 进行
65. The content of your essay is excellent, but it is not very well expressed.
   A. 容纳的东西    B.含量    C. 内容     D. 目录
66. This is a magazine with contributions from well-known travel writers.
   A. 贡献   B. 稿件   C. 捐款   D. 捐献物[
67. I’ve always believed that happiness counts more than money.
   A. 包括  B. 数数   C. 看作  D. 重要
68. Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier.
   A. 拐角   B. 角   C. 角落   D. 远方
69. This company controls half of the world’s coffee.
   A. 操纵   B. 控制   C. 限制   D. 抑制
70. The operator connected her to the police station.
   A. 把……联系起来   B. 连接    C. 给…..接通电话   D. 沟通

答案56-60 CDBCD 61-65ADDDC 66-70BDDBC
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