
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ( 孤 独 症 ) is a disability that can cause serious social,

英语试题 05-30

25. What can we infer from the article?
A. The earlier an ASD kid is diagnosed,the better it is for his(her)treatment. B. Doctors simply have no way to diagnose an ASD kid at all
C. Doctors can diagnose ASD by blood testing
D. Doctors can diagnose ASD with the help of machines.
26. Who is most likely to be an ASD patient of the following people? A. Someone who prefers to talk a lot in daily life.
B. Someone who has got an ASD brother.
C. Someone who wants to hug you in public. D. Someone who sings in a strange voice.
27. Where is this article possibly from? A. A guidebook for new parents.
B. Education section of a newspaper. C. A medical journal.
D. A scientific magazine.

24.D        25.A        26.B        27.C

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