
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 In your life, sometimes you may be asked to speak in front

英语试题 07-24

31. D    32. G    33. E    34. C    35. F
上文Practice your speech before the big day.说在大日子之前,练习你的演讲。该空对上文作补充说明,D选项“你记住的越多,越好”切题,故选D。
上文The speech organizers must have seen something valuable in you or your expertise.说演讲组织者一定是看中了你的价值,或是你的专门技术。该空承接上文,G选项“其他人对你的尊敬应该会减少一些恐惧”切题,故选G。
上文Remember that fear of public speaking is very common.说记得公开演讲的害怕是非常普遍的。该空承接上文,E选项“事实上,在重要的演讲之前,感到紧张或是有压力是正常的”切题,故选E。
该空为段落主题句,What you say should be tailored to why you’re there and who you’re speaking to in order to avoid sounding general. If speaking to a charity group, mention the good work certain specific individuals have done for the cause. If speaking at a business conference, briefly state why you want to help these people.这一段主要讲了在演讲中,要提到你的听众,故选C。
下文Pick one person in each section and look at him while you’re speaking.有线索词section,故F选项“当你演讲时,在精神上把人群分成三个部分”切题,故选F。
七选五题型空格的设计主要分布在句首、句中、句尾,另一种就是小标题的空格设计。凡是作为标题的句子,一定要短小精悍,概括性强,多数用祈使句。本文第4空是主题句,相当于一个小标题。Mention your audience in your speech.为本段主题句,根据空后句mention the good work state 和state why you want to help these people可知C项合适,F项为干扰项。
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