
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Guessing unknown words In almost any text you will find wo

英语试题 08-24
Guessing unknown words
In almost any text you will find words that you don t know. You can look them up in a dictionary, of course, but in many cases you simply do not have the time.    16    So it’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing without a dictionary as much as possible, particularly if you are preparing for an examination.
In fact, if you read the text carefully and think, it s usually possible to guess the meaning of most of the words that you don' know.     17      Look at the sentence that each word is in, and the sentences that come before and after. Look to see if the word is repeated later in the text; the more often it' s used, the easier it is to understand.
The first thing to do when taking advantage of context is to recognize the grammatical category of the word we are trying to understand or define. Is it an adverb, an adjective, a verb or a noun?      18    For example: If the word ends in“ly and is located after a verb ,it is likely to be an adverb.
     19     For example, you may never have see "untaxable before, but the different parts of the word --- un, tax, able ---should each tell you something and help you to guess the meaning. What do you think"preheated" and "over-sensitivity" mean? What kind of people do you think“horsey" or“bookish" people are?
     20      There will be some that you can only get a vague idea of, and a few will be impossible. Don't waste too much time worrying about these. The most important thing is to understand the text as a whole as well as possible, and one or two difficult words won’t usually make much difference.
A. It is only you and the text.
B. Some words can be guessed from looking at their form.
C. This is when understanding context can be useful.
D. Don' t expect that you can guess all the new words in a text.
E. You need to look up all the new words in a dictionary.
F.If the word is after a personal pronoun or a noun, it might be a verb.
G. English grammar can give us some tips on what kind of word we are dealing with.

答案16-20  ACGBD
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