
As children, we were taught that only by studying hard and getting good results at school could we b

英语试题 11-08
As children, we were taught that only by studying hard and getting good results at school could we become successful. But actually, the good boys and good girls may just end up doing a job they are not fond of. Why is it like that? The answer is that what you need for a good and successful life is not really learned at school.
Basically, whether you’re good or not at school very much depends on the teachers’ expectations. But in reality, there are many aspects to take care of aside from the school subjects, for example, what to do to be a happy person, how to maintain a healthy relationship, how to work smartly and what to do to lead a meaningful life, etc.
Doing well at school differs from doing well in life. You may have already known that Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carey didn’t perform very well at school. In fact, there are a lot more than just the "big shots "who are successful in life without completing school.
Life is really a long lesson, so long that you can’t define a person’s success by just one section of it. If you have already finished school, keep learning because what you learned at school will never be enough to lead a great life. If you are still studying, whether you are good or bad at school, don’t take your school results too seriously. If you are a parent or a teacher, don’t just focus on the grades the children get. Try to discover their potentials and make the most of their talents. That’s how they build confidence and eventually lead a successful life.
12.What do we know from the text?
A.Whether to be good students or not depends on students themselves.
B.Good performance at school promises successful life.
C.School subjects are less important than other aspects.
D.Everything needed in life can not be learned at school.
13.What does the underlined phrase "big shots "in paragraph 3 mean?
A.excellent students B.important persons
C.famous stars D.successful businessmen
14.Which point of view may the author support?
A.Students must strictly obey school rules.
B.Excellent students will have more opportunities.
C.Teachers should set a good example to students.
D.Parents shouldn’t always focus on their kids grades.
15.What might be the best title for the text?
A.The Importance of Lifelong Learning
B.The Secret to Being Successful in Life
C.Success at School doesn’t Equal Success in Life
D.What We Need for a Successful Life
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