
When and why did you start running? It was March 2017. My family had gone through a terrible experie

英语试题 02-09
When and why did you start running?
It was March 2017. My family had gone through a terrible experience. My nephew Peter had his arms and legs cut to save his life from the after-effects of meningitis(脑膜炎).11.. I needed to get fit and healthy for my family, to become a role model for them. Peter inspires me to live life to the full: he doesn’t let his disability get in his way!
What race result are you most pleased with?
I'm proud of all the races I’ve done. I never thought I'd be able to call myself a runner. I now regularly race and love bringing home medals for my daughters to be inspired by.12.!
What's next?
13. .We started a campaign called Hope 4 Peter and support has been amazing: our local community helped raise ₤240k for prosthetic legs(假肢)and physiotherapy. We’ve had huge support from Meningitis Now and Time is Precious too, and I’ll be raising money for them, but also pushing Peter around the full course.14. .
What does running mean to you?
I’ve suffered with mental health problems and running gives me a clear head and removes negative (消极的)thoughts and stress.15.. We should be so grateful for our bodies and what amazing things they can do!
A.It was quite a shock to me
B.The London Half Marathon
C.That makes me keep running
D.My favorite thing to do is run a marathon
E.I love the freedom of it and I love the fact I can run
F.No child has ever taken part in the full half marathon
G.I do love to have a cool chocolate, banana and apple pie after running
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.F 15.E
12.空格位于段尾。空格位于第一个小标题下段落内,第一个小标题意思为:你最满意的比赛结果是什么呢?空格前一句话意思为:我现在常常跑步并且喜欢把奖牌带回家鼓舞女儿。选项C中的That可以指代句话,且keep running与上句中的“regularly race”呼应。故选C。
13.空格位于段首。由于空格所在段落标题为问句“下一步是什么呢?”,所以段首开始应该是一个答句。选项B(伦敦半程马拉松)可以作为答句,且与上段中的regularly race呼应,说明伦敦马拉松是下一次race的项目。故选B。
14.空格位于段尾。空格上一句话意为:我们也得到了Meningitis和Time is Precious的大力支持,并且我将为它们筹钱,而且我推着Peter跑完了全程。选项F中的Child与Peter呼应,其中的the full half marathon与上一个空格处单词呼应。故选F。
15.空格位于段中。空格上一句意为:我遭受过精神健康的问题,跑步让我头脑清醒,让我远离消极的情绪和压力。选项E中的the freedom of it与这句话中描述的跑步的好处相呼应,且it与running是指代关系。故选E。
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