
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Tibetan antelope, also known as the Chiru, is unique to the

英语试题 03-01
The Tibetan antelope, also known as the Chiru, is unique to the Tibetan Plateau of China, 61______ is the highest plateau in the world. The Tibetan antelopes are thin animals with four powerful legs and short tails, their bodies 62_______ (cover) with abundant white and light-gray hair.
The Tibetan antelopes feed mostly on grass. In winter, they dig into the snow 63______ (seek) food. They are good runners and can run for several hours in cold weather conditions, so they can sometimes escape from 64_______ (wolf), their main predators (捕食者), easily.
The Tibetan antelopes 65_______ (list) in the “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” as endangered species with a population estimated to be 66_______ (little) than 35,000 and still on 67_______ decline.
68________ (thank), effective measures have been taken by China and India to prevent the Tibetan antelopes 69________ being hunted. China has set up four nature reserves and thirty-two passages beneath the railways for the antelopes to immigrate. And both countries check the illegal trade strictly. People didn’t believe these would work at first, but now local people think they 70_______ (be) of great significance.

61. which      62. covered     63. to seek       64. wolves      65. are listed
66. less         67. the          68. Thankfully   69. from       70. are
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