
My dad was a farmer in the Midwest and he spent his winters selling insurance. Dad could really talk

英语试题 03-17

8. C    9. B    10. A
细节理解题。根据第一段Dad could really talk up anyone and his favorite thing to do was find out their income.(爸爸真的可以和任何人说话,他最喜欢做的事情就是知道他们的收入。)由此可知,作者的父亲与陌生人交谈时,最感兴趣的是他们每年赚多少钱。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段When the young man and his father got up to see the doctor, the father of the young man came over and shook my dad's hands and said, "Thank you for speaking to my son. Most people just turn away when they see him.''(当年轻人和他的父亲站起来看医生时,年轻人的父亲走过来握着我父亲的手说:“谢谢你和我儿子谈话。大多数人一看到他就转过身去。”)由此可知,年轻人的父亲感谢作者的父亲与他残疾的儿子聊天。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段I told this story at his funeral(葬礼). Truly, my dad was one who never knew a stranger.(我在他的葬礼上讲了这个故事。说真的,我父亲是一个从来不认识陌生人的人。)作者在父亲的葬礼上,通过讲父亲的这个故事,再次点明了父亲的性格特点---喜欢和别人聊天,和任何人都聊得来。作者这么做的目的是为了更好的记住父亲。故选A。
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