
Jason and Caden have been good "wagon pullers" since the second day of school. They are am

英语试题 04-08
Jason and Caden have been good "wagon pullers" since the second day of school. They are amazing and so great about taking turns pulling or pushing the wagon in the kindergarten game. The game needs everyone to work together to make the wagon move forward to the destination. Today, their teacher, Jenny, asked Jason if he could be a "teacher", to train a new student, Bradley, to pull the wagon.
Jason was so cute and said, "How about letting him be a pusher, not be a puller?" It was at very great idea, and Jason had good observation capability! He found Bradley wasn't quite strong enough to pull the wagon.
They took the job very seriously, and the moment touched Jenny very much. Jason was one of the youngest but very observant, kind, helpful and compassionate children!
Jason was the line leader and puller. Another child, Caden was the second in command and helped the line leader stay focused. Bradley was "the third in command "behind Caden.
Caden took Bradley under his wing, guiding him like a sweet border collie to push the wagon.
Several days later, Jason told Jenny, "I hope Bradley will become the wagon puller tomorrow. He should have the opportunity to improve his strength." Jenny nodded. What a sweet comment! It is so sweet to have a four-year-old child cheering on a peer, when kids of all ages fight to be the one to pull the wagon.
It was a kind, sweet group, and Jenny especially loved those moments. She also emailed the sweet stories to all the parents.
4. What did Jenny ask Jason to do?
A. Pull the wagon together with Caden. B. Train a new student to push the wagon.
C. Teach another kid how to drag the wagon.
D. Move the wagon to the destination by himself.
5. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A. The description of how the kids cooperate with each other to move the wagon.
B. The praise of the teacher's proper arrangement to pull the wagon.
C. The explanation of the complex relationship among the kids.
D. The introduction to the difficulty to drive the wagon.
6. What is the key to children's completing the game?
A. Ambition. B. Team spirit.
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