
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Do you ever walk out of a room with an idea in your head,

英语试题 04-10

16. E    17. D    18. F    19. A    20. B
根据前文“Do you ever walk out of a room with an idea in your head, only to discover moments later that it’s gone? 1f so, don’t worry: it’s a very common experience.”(你有没有过这样的经历:脑子里带着想法走出房间,片刻之后却不记得了?如果是的话,别担心:这是很常见的经历)和下文“The problem is often caused by "event boundaries".”(这个问题通常是由“事件边界”引起的)可知,这里主要是解释健忘的原因,分析选项,E项( 科学家们相信我们可以解释和接近它)承前启后,符合语境逻辑,选项中的it指代的就是前面的a very common experience,故选E。
根据空前句“The problem is often caused by "event boundaries"”(这个问题通常是由“事件边界”引起的)和后一句“They make you believe that a particular mental task is over.
”(它们让你相信一项特定的智力任务已经结束)可判断,选项D(这些就是你的记忆用来停止记忆的东西)衔接前后文符合语境,其中These和后一句中的They都指代前文"event boundaries",故选D。
根据空前句“Tests have proved that we’re much more forgetful when we move from one location to another.”(实验证明,当我们从一个地方移到另一个地方时,我们会变得更健忘)结合空后“It's because anything that seems like the end of a task — closing a study book, finishing a phone call, taking a cake out of the oven — can have the same effect.”(这是因为任何看起来像是任务结束的事情——合上一本学习用书,打完一通电话,从烤箱里拿出一块蛋糕——都会产生同样的效果。)可知,选项F(但当我们从一个活动转向另一个活动时,同样的情况也会发生)与前文构成转折关系,the same指代前文中we’re much more forgetful,后文是其原因,符合该段语境逻辑。故选F。
上一段最后“Within seconds, much information in your mind has disappeared.”(几秒钟之内,你脑海中的许多信息就消失了)讲了人们的健忘现象,设空处是段落首句。根据后文“First, stop telling your brain that...Second, create clues to carry with you...”可知,该段提出了对抗健忘的方法,选项A(但下面是如何反击的方法)作为主题句衔接后文符合语境,故选A。
根据空前一句“We actually know memory depends on imagery.”(我们知道记忆依赖于想象)可知选项B(所以想象一下你想保留的细节)符合此处语境,选项中的picture与depends on imagery有内在联系,故选B。
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