
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 The Board Meeting (董事会) had come to an end. Bob started to stand up a

英语作文范文 08-01

Paragraph 1
Frank got a sad look on his face and tears welled up in his eyes when he spoke of what happened later that day. “The weather was terribly bad that day. It was not long after that when my dad went to sea and he never came back. It was such a bad day that most of the boats stayed in. But my dad didn’t because he had a big family to feed. People found his boat floating on the sea with its nets half in and half out. He must have got into a strong wind and was trying to save the nets.”
Paragraph 2
Tears were running down his cheeks as Frank told us the biggest regret in his life. “Guys, you don’t know what I would give to have my dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek......to feel his rough old face, to smell the ocean on him and to feel his arm around my neck. You don’t know how regret I am! I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.”
【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:well up,came back,such … that等高级词汇;时间状语从句Frank got a sad look on his face and tears welled up in his eyes when he spoke of what happened later that day. 虚拟语气If I had been a man, I would never have told my dad I was too            old for a goodbye kiss.为短文增色不少。
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