
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 It was January 24th. I had finally completed my last radiation treatm

英语作文范文 04-12

Para 1:
As I stepped inside, I was struck by how quiet and how pink it was. There in front of me quietly stood seventeen nine-year-old players decorated head to toe in pink, and breast cancer symbols were painted on their helmets. They looked like fighters, brave and faithful, who were ready for a serious battle. Then my son Brady came over to me, saying, “We are so grateful that you have shown us through your fight what it really means to be a Tiger. Tonight, we are going to win the game just for you.” Inspired by what Brady said, all the players cheered, “It’s time Tigers!” (92 words)
Para 2:
I sensed their determination. They stepped into the field confidently. During the whole game, each and every boy performed so wonderfully, skating swiftly and passing balls skillfully. They had never been so cooperative. Even when they fell behind by several points, they didn’t lose heart. Instead, they kept fighting together. I suppose they knew I was there for them all the time! And I should also tell them how grateful I was that they were there for me. Of course, the Tiger won the game that night. And I won mine, too.  (91 words)
①.坚持做:keep doing / insist on doing
②.为……做好准备:be ready for / get ready for / prepare for
①.勇敢的:brave / courageous
②.感激的:grateful / thankful
【点睛】[高分句型1]. They looked like fighters, brave and faithful, who were ready for a serious battle. (由关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Even when they fell behind by several points, they didn’t lose heart. (由when引导时间状语从句)
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