
Without Her Name It is a truth universally acknowledged that Pride and Prejudice by English

英语试题 06-03
Without Her Name
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Pride and Prejudice by English novelist Jane Austen is one of the most popular tales ever written.But behind the global admiration she enjoys today lies a sad fact.36
In Pride and Prejudice,she was simply the author of Sense and Sensibility, which had carried the title“By a Lady."The anonymity(匿名)worked so well that even friends of the Austen family had no idea that dear,sweet Jane was a novelist.A friend of Jane' s brother Henry actually told him that Pride and Prejudice was "much too clever to be the work of a woman."
37 Tom Paine,a Founding Father of the United States,kept his identity hidden for a short time after the publication of his famous Common Sense.
For a woman,however,there was the added burden of societal expectations. Any sort of publishing or public display of talent was considered improper behavior for a woman.
It wasn't only fear about“bad manners”that discouraged women from writing under their own names.38 Charlotte Bronte,author of Jane Eyre,once sent her poetry to Robert Southey,a famous poet.Southey simply responded:"Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life." Bronte used her pen name, Currer Bell,to publish Jane Eyre in 1847.Her sister Emily published Wuthering
Heights as Ellies Bell in the same year.
39 Mary Shelley' s Frankenstein(《科学人》)had come out without her name in 1818.Mary Anne Evans wrote Middlemarch and her other novels under the pen name George Eliot.
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