
The stomach is an extremely strong organ, full of acid to break down each meal. In order to

英语试题 07-07
The stomach is an extremely strong organ, full of acid to break down each meal. In order to prevent this acid from burning a hole in our stomachs and damaging other organs, our stomach lining is specially adapted to contain the acid safely.
pylori are able to live in the stomach by living in the lining, safe from harsh stomach acid. These bacteria are actually pretty common in people, approximately a third of Australians have H. pylori in their bodies, but not all have symptoms.
The bacteria can eventually create infection in stomach lining, a condition known as gastritis (胃炎), by wearing away the lining and allowing stomach acid to burn away stomach tissue, causing painful ulcers (溃疡)。
Up until the 1980s, it was thought that bacteria could not survive in stomach acid. The cause of stomach ulcers was due to lifestyle choices: stress, smoking, spicy foods; the stomach acid was breaking through the lining on its own.
This belief was first questioned in 1979 by Robin Warren, an Australian pathologist, who found bacteria on a microscope slide containing the stomach lining of a patient with gastritis. In the years that followed Warren continued his research.
Warren then teamed up with Barry Marshall in 1981 and the two continued with the research, trying to separate the mystery bacteria and find a cure. Over the next three years, they tested their theories with some positive results, however the idea that bacteria could be the cause of gastritis was not widely accepted or even acknowledged.
Finally, fed up with being ignored and confident in his findings, Barry Marshall decided to test on himself. He infected himself with H. pylori and soon developed gastritis and terrible stomach ulcers. Marshall then began to cure himself by taking a dose of antibiotics (抗生素). This once and for all proved not only that bacteria could grow in stomach acid, but it could also cause gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Eventually, the world fully acknowledged Warren and Marshall's huge contribution to science and medicine and the two were awarded the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2005. Twenty-six years after Robin Warren first began his research.
  1. Why did the academics initially refuse to accept that H. pylori caused gastritis?
  1. Lifestyle choices caused stomach ulcers.
  2. Stomach acid could break through the lining on its own.
  3. They thought that bacteria couldn't survive in the stomach.
  4. The Australian pathologist Robin Warren provided no evidence.
  1. How did Barry Marshall prove that H. pylori caused gastritis?
A.Choosing unhealthy lifestyles.          B. Introducing H. pylori to his own stomach.
C. Finding the bacteria on stomach lining.       D. Growing H. pylori in the lab.
34. What can we infer from the text?
A. Scientific progress takes time.             B. Science guides medical practices.
C. Warren is not a productive scientist.         D. Only Marshall deserves the prize.
35. The text is most likely written to          .
A. Chemists      B. Patients      C. Researchers       D. The general public

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