
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Logan Wells, a high school student in Massachusetts, developed

英语试题 08-08
Logan Wells, a high school student in Massachusetts, developed an app that makes it easier for people to care for loved ones with dementia(痴呆).
Logan was 15 when his grandmother was diagnosed with dementia. "You can't imagine____36____terrible its effect was, not only on my grandmother, but on my parents and other family members," Logan said. "It became really hard to stay on____37____same page, because we had to have multiple group chats."
So, he came up____38____the idea for CareZare, which enables caregivers to work as a team through a communication website. Logan did the coding____39____(entire) by himself while his father assisted him in creating the original design and undertook the marketing.
The free app allows users____40____(create) a profile(档案)centered around the individual with dementia and invite other people to join and receive____41____(message). With the app, you can schedule events, confirm completed tasks, and even add a "heads up" such as the current mood of the patient or poor weather conditions.
The app is currently being used by over 600 families and they enjoy____42____(share) their opinions about it.____43____(please) with that, Logan is hoping it will grow.
"So far our users____44____(be) great about giving us feedback so we can tailor(定做)the app to their needs," he said. "Caregiving is such an important issue for them because it's so_____45_____(person) for them, just as it is for me."
【答案】36. how    
37. the    38. with    
39. entirely    
40. to create    
41. messages    
42. sharing    
43. Pleased    
44. have been    
45. personal
这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了高中生Logan Wells开发了一款应用程序CareZare,让人们更容易照顾患有痴呆症的亲人。介绍了他开发这款软件的原因,以及软件的工作方式和人们对此的看法。
考查感叹句。句意:“你无法想象它的影响有多可怕,不仅对我的祖母,而且对我的父母和其他家庭成员也是,”Logan说。分析句子结构可知此处为感叹句“How +形容词+主语+谓语!”,感叹后文形容词terrible应用how。故填how。
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